It was the culmination of four+ years of planning and production: underwater cinematography, digital mapping of the bridge, groundbreaking editing, outreach to salmon communities and the support of a wonderful network of partners.
As the project grew, the Canada Wild Arts Society was established as a federally registered charitable organization, and in 2021 UninterruptedVR was launched. A superb network of partners have supported the project throughout
Uninterrupted-VR immerses viewers in a spectacle that combines art, technology and nature. At the heart of the experience is a journey that has been repeated uninterrupted in B.C. waters since before recorded time. Originally a site-specific public art event, UNINTERRUPTED was mapped and projected onto the Cambie Bridge in 2017. Throughout the summer, audiences totalling 30,000 “travelled” upstream – with silver Sockeye turning to crimson as the salmon returned to their freshwater birthplace to spawn, repeating a cycle that has nourished land, water, animals, and people for millions of years.
Now Uninterrupted-VR moves the bridge and the journey into virtual reality headsets – and our summer 2021 series moves the experience to outdoor locations throughout Metro Vancouver. You can still enjoy the remarkable experience with others, as our outdoor series presents multiple synchronized VR showings for small audiences. It’s free but you must book in advance.
Photo courtesy of the Pacific Salmon Foundation
A pick up truck parks by a small creek, with 25,000 fry in the back. Gently scooped with a net, the young chum salmon are placed in pails light enough for a child to carry. Small hands hold pails of water as small feet make their way to the nearby creek, and parents murmur encouragement.
Read StoryComplete the salmon's epic migration, see the challenges they face. Plus take the Pacific salmon personality quiz!
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